Sunday, June 20, 2021

Making Progress

What is a homemaker? Is a homemaker in the 21st century similar to the homemaker of the 20th century? What about centuries before that?  How do I create a happy, comfortable, welcoming home? How do I remember to take care of myself while continuing to give myself to others? 

I'm mama to 3 girls, I love She's In Her Apron, Faith and Flour, and The Secret Slob on YouTube; I'm an avid romance reader, an Audible addict, and spend too much time on Facebook.  I enjoy cooking and baking, hate laundry, and would rather do anything other than clean my house.  I'm naturally a clutter-bug, a couch potato, and need to work on my focus and follow through.  I start a bunch of decluttering and cleaning projects only to get distracted midway and start something else without finishing the first project.  

I am a homemaker who is constantly trying to elevate the physical act making it spiritual, trying to accept that progress is better than perfection, and realizing that my family finds spiritual, mental, and physical comfort from my hard work.  A woman I look up to (but have never met), Eve Levy, inspired me through a video to better myself by remembering that the physical can be our moment to connect to our higher power through prayer.  Pray for the ability to become better at "x", pray for our family members to be able to flourish as we wash our dishes, fold everyone's laundry, vacuum, etc.  I need to remind myself that every chore that needs to happen is because I have that blessing in my life.

I hope that this blog allows me to explore the world of homemaking, and will serve as both a record of my successes and failures, as well as encourage others who find themselves inspired by my journey.

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